ULARI Transceiver VHF7W Duo2 - Linux-based 7W VHF transceiver


Product may vary slightly from image representation.
This product is out of stock but I may be able to build next batch on demand. Ask me at info@microsat.com.pl.

You need at least basic knowledge about Linux operating system to reasonably use this product!

ULARI stands for "Ultimate Linux Amateur Radio Interface" and it is intended to be a set of devices which utilize Linux-enabled microprocessor modules to serve in the field of amateur radio and related use.

ULARI Transceiver VHF7W Duo2 is a Linux-based radio receiver and transmitter which works in range of 136 to 174 MHz with a configurable output power of 3 to 7 Watt. Depending on software running on top of Linux operating system, it can act as an advanced APRS digipeater, i-gate, TNC, tracker, weather station data collector or as any other amateur radio station.

ULARI Transceiver VHF7W Duo2 is based on NanoPi Duo2 512 MB module from FriendlyARM. The device consists of a microprocessor module and a motherboard with all necessary external components including VHF transceiver, hybrid power amplifier, 7-pole low-pass filter. The whole system includes:

  • SMA VHF antenna connector,
  • A 100 Mbit Ethernet connector with surge protectors,
  • Two USB connectors with surge protectors, 5V/1A total current consumption (suitable for moderm LTE modems),
  • Wifi chip with external antenna,
  • RS-232 serial port (via 6-pin minidin connector),
  • DS18B20 thermometer connector,
  • Four leds informing about device operation,
  • SD CARD connector for operating system image.

More information about this completely new project can be found here:


Polish English
Funktechnik Dathe

Lutz Electronics

United States