ULARI ECO Radio Interface - Linux-based APRS all-in-one


Product may vary slightly from image representation.
This new product is in stock and ready for sale!

You need at least basic knowledge about Linux operating system to reasonably use this product!

ULARI stands for "Ultimate Linux Amateur Radio Interface" and it is intended to be a set of devices which utilize Linux-enabled microprocessor modules to serve in the field of amateur radio and related use.

ULARI ECO Radio Interface is a Linux-based interface designed to work with amateur radio station. Depending on software running on top of Linux operating system, it can act as an advanced APRS digipeater, i-gate, TNC, tracker, weather station data collector or as any other audio interfacing and processing device.

ULARI ECO Radio Interface is based on NanoPi Neo 1.4 512MB module from FriendlyARM. The device consists of a microprocessor module and an extension board with all necessary external components. The whole system includes:

  • Radio 6-pin minidin connector (Microsat standard, WX3in1-like pinout),
  • A 100 Mbit Ethernet connector,
  • USB connector,
  • RS-232 serial port (via 6-pin minidin connector),
  • DS18B20 thermometer connector,
  • Four SMD leds informing about device operation,
  • SD CARD connector for operating system image.

More information about this completely new project can be found here:


Polish English
Microsat devices
Funktechnik Dathe

Lutz Electronics

United States